Saturday, July 6, 2013

How did it go?

So we made it through spring and early summer without selling a single impatiens plant. Whew! It was hard to imagine last year that people would plant other shade-loving plants instead of this longtime favorite. But begonias, caladiums, New Guinea impatiens and lots of other plants are now growing in gardeners' yards all over the country. And, according to what we've been hearing, have done so very successfully. Many people have stopped in to say that having to plant something different has been fun and adventurous. They love the new plants and have combined texture, color and foliage like never before.
All of our greenhouse staff thank all of you for trusting us and for giving some of these other plants a try. We'd also love to hear from you about how your season went without impatiens. Or, if you did purchase them from another grower, how are they doing? Feel free to post pictures and add comments to our blog or facebook page.

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