Monday, March 3, 2025

We're Going Bananas!


We received our annual order of banana plants this week. While it is way too early to put them outside, banana trees sell fast so we get them this time of year to guarantee delivery from our Florida growers. 

Caring for a banana tree in Maryland can be tricky, but so much fun! Here are some basic care instructions. For more details on their care, go to our Plant Finder App and put bananas in the search box.

Choose the right variety. The Musa basjoo is best suited for in-ground planting for our area in Maryland landscapes as it is hardy in our zone. Plant in a sunny spot with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. Provide well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. Use the transplant fertilizer Bio-tone and soil amendment LeafGro for good results. 

Plant when all danger of frost has passed in the spring.Water slowly with a soaker hose to encourage deep roots. Use a balanced fertilizer monthly throughout the growing season. 

The Musa basjoo should be reduced to 1-2 feet after the first frost. Mulch heavily with straw or leaves to insulate the roots. 

The other banana trees we sell are great for planting in pots in late spring and summer to avoid frost. They are all tropical and need to over-winter indoors or be treated as an annual. 

Dwarf Cavendish bunch

The Dwarf Cavendish banana is ornamental and will produce fruit in a greenhouse setting. We've seen them in the Rawlings Conservatory in Druid Hill Park in Baltimore and in Longwood Garden's Conservatory. 
Grows to 10' 

We recommended bananas in large pots as a great accent plant to provide a tropical feel. 

The Red Banana has stunning green and red leaves. Grown primarily for its ornamental qualities, the red stems contrast beautifully with the wide, long leaves of the Banana tree. 

Striking container garden

Stop in to see all of our bananas in large containers now. We will continue to receive bananas in smaller pots as the weather warms later this spring. 

Enjoy tropical and hardy banana trees in your yard or patio this summer. 

These photos have been used with the permission of the folks who run our Plant Finder app.