Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Wow Time!

Maybe those of us that work in the garden center take it for granted. The colors here are unbelievable. Today I tried to go through the front gate and just look at the garden center from someone elses eyes. Here is what I saw on this slightly overcast day.

Pottery and beautifully planted containers greet everyone as they approach our entrances to both the outside and indoor sales area.

The outdoor pottery shed is full of pots for outdoor plantings for all sorts of beautiful plant pairings.

Azaleas are finishing their main blooming season. Three large plants are being installed in my own landscape next week.

Roses in a kaleidoscope of colors take up a huge area in our nursery. The Knockout roses, with their fantastic performance, are customer favorites.

Upon entering the greenhouse, table after table of bedding plants, annuals, tropicals and vegetables are displayed with easy to read signage indicating sun and shade compatability. Want to know if butterflies like it? It's on the sign.

Hanging baskets are grown in our farm greenhouses in nearby Hydes, Maryland. Should we run out, we are blessed to have some other fantastic growers ready to supply area porches and patios.

Step inside and see the adorable and witty t-shirts. Fun gift ware and indoor pottery are all around.

Kids like gardening too. Plenty of colorful tools are available in child sizes.

Patio umbrellas and cushions, tableware and more offer unbelievable color for outdoor home entertaining.

A walk over to the display ponds is a necessity to see the ponds and our demonstration butterfly gardens. Take a peek into the water gardens to see the koi. The kids love to help feed the fish everyday at 12:30.

It's easy to walk through here everyday and forget to take a look around. Take a few minutes and just enjoy the surroundings. I have; it's amazing. 

p.s. Thanks to Marian for taking the great photos!