We love fall! Cool-weather, fall planting, piles of pumpkins, the haunted house, the straw maze...so much fun for families. Here are some of the seminars and events coming our way this fall!
will be hosted by Martha Meehan, with help from bonsai club members. Five trees, for indoors or outside, will be styled and planted in a larger pot or forest tray. There is a 90 dollar fee for this class.
Monarch Butterfly Tag and Release, hosted by Monarch butterfly enthusiast Pam Spencer. About 100 butterflies will be tagged and released from our butterfly garden, with your help. Tags will have a corresponding certificate so that participants may check to see if their butterfly has been spotted on its way to Mexico. The event is free. The first 100 people will be able to participate in the release.
September 14 at 11 am. (Raindate September 15)
John testing soil pH |
The Fall Lawn Clinic will be held by our own lawn and garden experts. Please bring a soil sample (Solo cup-sized) for free pH analysis. Also, feel free to bring in weed samples for identification and control options. Fall is the best time to seed or reseed a lawn. Brian Brannan and his team will help you have the best lawn ever!
September 28, 9 am
The Autumn Garden, presented by Cynthia Mann, will showcase many of the shrubs, trees, and perennials that go dormant late in the season. Extend the gardening season by choosing plants that thrive in the fall garden.
September 28, 11 am.
October brings with it tons of activities, color, and fun at the garden center. Bring the kids and the camera to create a memorable adventure.
The arrival of one of our giant pumpkins |
Arrival of the Giant Pumpkin is always a special event at Valley View Farms. Pumpkin hunters Andy and Matt will deliver the giant orb to our north gate, then onto the stage on
Wednesday, October 2 at 10 am. The pumpkin will remain onstage until October 26th; we will open the pumpkin and count the seeds inside.
Bonsai Show and Tell give our bonsai enthusiasts a chance to brag about their bonsai projects. They may count on each other to tweak the various projects.
October 5, 9 am
Ryleigh showing off houseplants as Eric moderates |
Hip Houseplant Revue II presents houseplants on the runway! Look for the new, fascinating, fun houseplants while learning great care techniques. Our employees and volunteers will showcase the plants as our staff talks about each 'model'.
October 12, 11 am
Owls visit us every October thanks to Kathy |
Owl-o-ween has become an annual event for us. Wildlife rehabilitator Kathy Woods heads up the Phoenix Wildlife Center. Birds of prey, including owls, are taken care of after an injury, then released back to the wild. Get a close look at these beautiful creatures up close.
October 19, 1 pm
Laurie Tasslemyer gives Tom a helping hand during the seed count |
The Great Pumpkin Seed Count, featuring WBAL meteorologist Tom Tasslemyer, is always fun. Tom will count all of the seeds in the giant pumpkin. Contestants who have put their guesses in our book, have a shot at a 300, 200 or 100 dollar gift card to Valley View Farms for their correct prediction of the number of seeds.
October 28, 12 pm
November and December are all about getting ready for winter and the fast-approaching holidays. More events are will be posted regarding our Christmas Shop Events as we get closer.
WinteringYour Bonsai, featuring Martha Meehan, will go over the best ways to care for bonsai trees during their slower growth or dormant season. Bonsai classes are open to beginners to expert enthusiasts.
November 2, 9 am
Winterizing the Water Garden helps gardeners prepare elements of their ponds for winter. Tips on fish, plants, and pond elements will be presented by Tim McQuaid.
November 9, 9 am
Creating Winter and Holiday Container Gardens is a great way to decorate porch pots. Our specialists will demonstrate the elements needed to arrange greens and branches for a beautiful winter planter.
November 23, 11 am
Bonsai Winter Work, presented by Martha Meehan, is a class detailing projects that can be completed over the next few months caring for a bonsai tree.
December 7, 9am.
Our annual
Live WBAL Radio Broadcast takes place on
Thursday, December 19 from 5 am-9 am and on
Friday, December 20 from 5 am-6 pm. This fundraising event will feature radio personalities, area choirs, bands, Santa and much more.
Stay tuned to
facebook and our
homepage for updates, additional seminars, and events with our Christmas Shops.
For additional information, or to set-up a class for a group, including garden clubs, school fieldtrips, scouts, and civic organizations, contact carrie@valleyviewfarms.com.