Jen's country property is ready for a garden expansion |
I opened the curtains to see the snowfall and decided
that it was the perfect time to plan my garden. Well, to finish planning it.
I’ve planned for the spring; now it’s time to get the summer planned. And since
my snow day has given me loads of extra time, I can get those spring vegetable seeds started! YAY!
Read the seed labels. Marshmallow needs cold stratification before planting; that means time in the refrigerator before planting. |
Every time I sit down to plan out the garden, I'm nervous. Can I grow everything that I want to grow? Do I have space? Can I find the seeds? Every. Single. Time. Having a plan for the spring already in place doesn't stop me from being worried about planning my summer vegetables today.
Here are 3 steps to planning the garden.
Step #1: Ask yourself, what do you want to grow?
It was quite easy for me this year. I had a problem starting
seeds last year and ended up buying the plants. I still have all the seeds
though, and they are still good. I already know what I want to grow. I also
know that last year I didn’t grow enough San Marzano tomatoes (I have watery
salsa to be eaten this winter…YUCK!).
Jen's snowy day project |
Armed with my list of vegetables to grow, I drew out my garden. Ask yourself, what do you enjoy eating? For example, I like
eggplant, but not enough that I want to grow it. I can get it at the farmer’s
market and still have it fresh if I get a hankering for it. If you are going to
eat it or preserve it, then you should grow it!
Plant your friend's favorites |
Step #2: Plan where it will go
This part is easy/difficult. That makes no sense, I know –
but, hear me out. I grow my vegetables and herbs in-ground, in raised beds, and in
containers. Most of my herbs, because many are perennial, are in the ground.
That leaves me with raised beds and containers for my vegetables. That’s the easy
part. I have space; I know where it is and how much I have. The difficult
part for me is how to get ALL of what I want to grow in that space. Even if you
can’t grow in-ground, there are many options for growing in containers that make gardening more accessible than ever.
Jen makes use of many materials to create her garden plots |
Beautiful surroundings make this garden even more enjoyable! |
Plenty of space between plants |
Pots come in a variety of colors, sizes, and materials |
Earthboxes are a favorite |
Smart Pots are easily stored and are a lightweight option for garden pots and beds |
If you look at my garden plan you can see that I have more
than one plant per bed. This is where your garden center is your best friend.
Another example: from working at Valley View, I have learned that tomatoes need
space around them (it helps to cut back on diseases with better airflow and means they are not
fighting for nutrients and water). If you have questions, call and ask us. I
personally love to talk about growing veggies and herbs! So, in my 4’x3’ raised
bed I’ll plant 3 tomatoes maximum, but I’ll throw extra basil and dill plants
in the bed too. Just because I can!
Upright supports allow for better air movement and easier harvest |
Raised bed gardens look ready to harvest |
Salad for dinner tonight! |
A quick google search will give you more information about
plants that can be grown together. Also, use the University of Maryland Extension's Grow It, Eat It page for recommendations. My personal favorite is to type into
google, “can I plant (blank) with (blank)?” I was checking if it would be okay
to plant my peppers with beans. I got a few mixed messages but
decided that I would try it. A lot of gardening and companion planting is all
about experimentation. Most of the sites talked about green beans, so I
decided I would plant my black beans there and plant my green beans with squash
and zucchini which I know do well together. Hopefully, it turns into a winning
Step #3: Prepare
You have the list of what you want to plant, and you know where
it is going to go The next step is to prepare for the planting. Do you have
enough fertilizer? Is your soil at the proper pH for your tomatoes to thrive?
What problems did you have last year that could be fixed this year?
Invest in good, ergonomic garden tools |
Plenty of organic and synthetic fertilizer options |
I’m planning on putting my tomatoes in at the end of May.
Knowing when you are going to plant means that you’ll know when to start your seeds, or
when to buy the transplants. Remember to talk to your garden center employees; they can answer your questions.
This year I will have 6 more rows of peas than I did last year and 4 more rows of beans. I don’t have enough supports for all of them, so I will be looking for stakes, netting, and fencing to add to my garden structures. Knowing what you are planting, when you are
planting them, and how to head off any problems is the recipe for success.
Another gardener's bean crop |
We are here for you at the garden center to help inspire and guide you through planning and planting your garden. Stop in for helpful handouts and informational signage to get started.
Informational signs help with plant selection |
Over 70 varieties of tomatoes! |
A free Vegetable Planting Guide provides tips, planting dates, and more |
The snow will be gone soon.