Sizzling hot hibiscus colors mirror the temperatures outside this June in Maryland. Shipped to us from southern Florida, hibiscus thrive in our hazy, hot and humid summer environment. Treated as annuals or overwintered indoors as tropical houseplants, hibiscus put us in a Caribbean state of mind. It's no wonder it is often calls 'The Queen of the Tropics'.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is the perfect companion to patio pots, poolside containers and sidewalk cafes. The flowers are everblooming with proper care. They'd love to have four or more hours of sun, although on extraordinarily hot days, hibiscus would enjoy an afternoon respite. Flowers last a day or two, but are quickly replaced with new ones. Hibiscus will bloom less in the winter with reduced light availability,
Hibiscus do well with regular watering. They do not like to dry to the point of wilt as the leaves will yellow and buds may drop off. In pots, make sure the soil drains well and do not allow the pot to sit in a saucer of water for more that several minutes. Outside, use pot feet to keep pots elevated from solid concrete and stone patios to allow for good drainage.
Fertilize during the growing season. Let hibiscus rest and discontinue feeding from late November to early March. Bring plants indoors before the first frost and treat them like houseplants.
Hibiscus are available in several shapes and sizes. Small plants are great for tabletops and windowsills. Larger tree-like standards make superb focal points at entrance ways.
Can't get away this summer? Bring the tropics to you with a gorgeous, blooming hibiscus.