We've experienced our own March Madness this season at Valley View Farms. With temperatures going back and forth from freezing to the mid-eighties, our gardeners are as confused as our plants.
An April freeze had us running sprinklers to protect tender growth |
Luckily, both always seem to know how to handle the weather, and our perennials, pansies, tree and shrubs are looking beautiful in the garden center for our customers.
Cool weather vegetable plants can handle the low temperature |
Having lost one of our growing greenhouse to that thirty-inch snowfall back in January,
our farm greenhouses have reset and are busy growing many of our vegetables, annuals and beautiful hanging baskets in the remaining eleven greenhouses.
John, Ryan and Vernon got an early start growing our young transplants at the farm greenhouses |
One 30" January snowfall crushed a large greenhouse |
An early Easter, coupled with some above average temperatures, brought many people out early this season looking for color for their gardens. We're happy to have so many plants from which they may choose.
Pansies have been enjoying the cooler temperatures |
Our garden shop has been checking soil temperatures to be able to accurately let customers know when to plant grass seed, prevent weeds, and get lawns in shape for spring. The nursery is recovering from some freezing temperatures last week, and our planting crew is busy installing trees and shrubs in area landscapes.
Early Spring in Maryland is always a little challenging, but with our dedicated staff, great growers and suppliers, we are ready for this season to get underway. Thanks to all of our employees, vendors and our customers for their continued support.