pictured above: Clematis 'Evijohil' (Josephine)
When these beauties were introduced in 2004, they were hailed as "the next generation of clematis," boasting bold, long-blooming flowers, and showing no "tempermental" qualities as some clematis are rumored to do.
Well, they certainly have proven themselves to be "all that" since then, and we ADORE them. They truly are the longest blooming clematis, flowering from late spring into fall, with some blooms even lasting until frost. The colors are spectacular, and cover the vines from top to bottom.
Read more about them on the Raymond Evison (UK) site.
This blog writer personally has never had a spot of trouble growing clematis, but everyone tells me that these are "easier to grow", less prone to diseases and just all-around heartier than other older cultivars. It's the macho clematis. But pretty.

pictured above: Clematis 'Evipo 016' (Rebecca)
And one of the best qualities of these RE Clematis is that they have a compact growth habit of up to 7-9 feet when mature (with some only getting 3-4 ft), so you can grow them successfully in pots and smaller trellises. I love to grow them right in the center of my perennial borders on small ironwork or a shrub.
Right now we have a bunch of these beauties in stock and flowering: Rebecca, Rosemoor, Ice Blue, Arctic Queen, Josephine, Picardy, Franziska Maria and Bourbon. As soon as you see them, you'll want one, so come on in and pick yours up!

That's the man we have to thank for these lovelies, above. And here's a brief article about Raymond, his Clematis breeding and "his engagingly quirky nature", if you want to learn more.